About LEGO Cart Days


One of the mobile stations that we offer is LEGO®. We invite Parent Mentors and teachers to take advantage of our program’s “LEGO® Cart Day” and incorporate the use of LEGO® bricks in the classroom. There are various ways LEGO® bricks can be useful in teaching:

In Mathematics, LEGO® bricks can be used to introduce basic concepts such as number recognition, sorting, patterns, calculations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions), symmetry, and many more. In English Language Arts, they can also be used to help with letters and words (i.e., recognition, counting letters or syllables), as well as color identification and sorting. In Social Science, having limited pieces of specific LEGO® bricks encourages sharing and collaboration with their peers. Meanwhile, in the engineering area, having limited pieces of bricks also promotes resourcefulness and problem-solving as the makers are challenged to create something using limited resources.

LEGO® Cart Day focuses on master building. The term master build means mastering the art of LEGO® building with minimal or completely without instructions. This approach will foster curiosity, inspire creativity, and promote use of their imagination.

On LEGO® Cart Days,
our student makers are encouraged to be Master Builders!

*Wyldstyle from 2014’s “The LEGO® Movie”.

Choose from one, two, or all of these LEGO® Cart Day themes: Master Build Mondays, Wyldstyle* Wednesdays, or Free Choice Fridays. All are centered on master building, just with fun names that your kids will recognize and enjoy!

So if you feel like your makers can use a challenge and want to see what they’re capable of, reserve a LEGO® Cart Day to find out! Better yet, reserve a LEGO® Cart Day as a reward after your class reaches a goal or if you think they deserve a break after a challenging week.

And no, reserving a “LEGO® Cart Day” does not count as your regular monthly Cart Day because these are non-consumable materials. Use the bricks as much — or as little — as your class needs.



LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

How do you use LEGO bricks to help with learning? Share with the community and help us expand the use of this wonderful toy!

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